Ahimsa_ non-violence

(Poo de Llanes beach in Asturias. Adho Mukha Vrksasana)

Consider this: the problem is defending.

When you defend you have already stopped trusting; violence is already at play. Trust is the root, the first chakra. You start trusting when you realize that Life has been conspiring for you to thrive from the very beginning as it does with everything that is living. But first you must acknowledge Life.
Think of this: in winter is cold, in autumn it rains, in summer is hot, in spring is changeable. You may like or dislike the seasonal weather but you very well know it is out of your reach, out your power to change it. So you do not even give a minute of your existence to try to change something that follows a greater power than yours. And that is Life and that power governs all that is living, you included.
Life provides a cat with a mouse, a tomato plant with a seed, it balances out a draught somewhere with a flood somewhere else, It takes from what is in excess and gives to what is deficient, always dancing a dance of balance to ensure that all continues. What makes you think you are different? When something in you is overly demonstrated Life prods it to regain balance. When something in you is excessively low Life brings what you need in order to grow.
When you do not acknowledge Life as we said before you waste a lot of energy swimming against the current, resisting and fighting the very things Life has put in your way so that you regain balance, getting into trouble and tiring yourself to death, sometimes nearly literally. This is the first act of violence against yourself. What if you stopped defending your views and gain a greater perspective and trust the power of Life to guide you? Everything is a teacher only if you allow it.
Practice your yoga or your day with passion, curiosity, laughter, seriousness, commitment or whatever you want to call it, but stop defending and magic will happen: love, compassion and understanding will take the place of violence and you will start receiving the fruits of Ahimsa.