What is the Tao Te Ching?

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How does Tao Te Ching coaching work?

Exploring the Wisdom of Tao Te Ching through Poems and Activities.

The Tao Te Ching is a collection of 81 poems that offer insightful perspectives on how ancient wisdom can be applied in our modern lives. To select a poem to work on, we use random methods. With this service, I’ll provide you with various translations of the Tao and activities to help integrate this wisdom into your daily routine. Communication is done through email, and the process involves two emails from me and your replies for each poem.

What is the Tao Te Ching?

The Tao Te Ching is an ancient Chinese book of wisdom. It is attributed to the Sage Lao Tzu who allegedly wrote it some 2700 years ago.  In its 81 poems Lao Tzu left us inestimable hints and clues to help us remember where we come from and where we are returning to. Lao Tzu’s poetry inspires us to look beyond what we know to understand what Nature is doing and how to embrace her doings to find everlasting peace. We are made of the same stuff as everything else in the Universe. We only need to dance again to Nature’s drum.

Tao Te Ching means the Book (Ching) of the Way (Tao) and its Virtue (Te). Tao is the way things are and function. It is the endless flux of existence. Te is the Tao running unimpeded within us and every living thing. This endows us and all with an inner natural power that has been translated as virtue or integrity. When we put down the barriers that block the natural flow of Te, we are pulled from the centre of our integrity into the world and we do what is right when it is right, and this is the end of all striving. It is our fixed ideas, thoughts, assumptions and beliefs that are contrary to the flow of Te.

The wisdom of the Tao Te Ching can be applied to every aspect of our lives. It is a way of doing things attuned to existence, so it does not really matter which is that we are doing. Following this wisdom makes us thrive through our jobs, our art and our relationships.

In the introduction to the English translation of the text by Gia-Fu Feng and Jane English, Jacob Needle says:

“The 81 small chapters known as the Tao Te Ching have been translated into English more often than any other book except the Bible, which means that its appeal is as broad as its meaning is deep. It speaks to each of us at our level of understanding, while inviting us to seek a level of perception and experience that is not yet within our comprehension. Like any text that deserves to be called sacred, it is a mirror. To read it is not only to see ourselves as we are, but it is also to glimpse a grandeur expanding far beyond our knowledge of ourselves and the Universe in which we live”